Sounds like the Geico gecko to me mate. Didn't know 'is full time job was 
working for Ofcom.

73 Les

-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Apr 8, 2008 12:25 AM
>Subject: [DX-CHAT] I wish to register a complaint!
>Yesterday afternoon a cluster-crab made an off-hand about 10 and 15 
>(or was it 17 & 15) being dead - to which I replied in a very 
>pythonesque manner. Well tonight, after a few choice single-malts, 
>the creative juices began to flow and pretty soon the following oozed 
>out of my brain and onto eHam's DXing forum.
>QRPer from down the hill enters an office containing a counter with 
>an HF radio and microphone on it. A clerk is standing behind the counter.
>QRPer: I wish to register a complaint!
>Ofcom agent: Sorry, we're closed for lunch...
>QRPer: Never mind that, ol' man, I wish to complain about 10 meters, 
>wot I got permission to use not half a year ago frrrrom this very boutique.
>Ofcom agent: Oh, yes, 10 meters. What's, uh....what's wrong with it?
>QRPer: I'll tell you what's wrong with it OM, It's DEAD, that's 
>what's wrong with it.
>Ofcom agent: Oh no, it's resting.
>QRPer: Look matey, I know a dead band when I hear one, and I'm 
>listening to one right now.
>Ofcom agent: No no, it's not dead, it's restin'. Remarkable band, ten 
>metres...beautiful daylight coverage.
>QRPer: The coverage don't enter into's stone dead.
>Ofcom agent: no no no no, it's *resting*.
>QRPer: ALLLLLLright then, if it's resting, I'll wake it up. CQ. CQ 
>WAKE UP, TEN METERS! (Ofcom agent quickly breaks out a bug and 
>oscillator and sends some fast CW)
>Ofcom agent: There, that was a signal
>QRPer: Not it wasn't, that was you sending on a practice oscillator.
>Ofcom agent: I NEVER
>QRPer Yes you did!
>Ofcom agent: I did naugh...
>QRPer: (quickly tuning the transmitter) SEEEE CUE TEN SEEEECUE TEN!!! 
>(Turns up the AF gain and spins the VFO to only the sound of static).
>QRPer: Now that's what I call a dead band.
>Ofcom agent: No, it's STUNNED.
>Ofcom agent: Yeah, you stunned it just when you were tuning up. 10 
>meters stuns easily.
>QRPer: look, mate, don't play the slippery eel with me. 
>That band is definitely deceased, and when I went QRV not six short 
>months ago, my Elmer assured me that its total lack of activity was 
>due to it bein' tired and shagged out following CQ World Wide.
>Ofcom agent: Well, it's probably pining for sunspots.
>QRPer: PININ' for SUNSPOTS??? What kind of talk is that and why did 
>it fall flat the moment I put my tower up?
>Ofcom agent: 10 meters prefers keeping quiet like that. Remarkable 
>band, innit? Beautiful Daylight Coverage.
>QRPer: Look tosh, I took the liberty of examining that band when the 
>TI9 was on, and I discovered that the only reason there were any 
>signals at all was because I was listening to other callers on ground wave.
>Ofcom agent: Well of *course* you were hearing them ground wave. 
>Look, if there'd been any propagation at all they'd have all come in 
>long path, and VOOM.
>Ofcom agent: Voom.
>QRPer: Mate, this band wouldn't voom if the solar flux was four 
>hundred thousand! It's bleedin' DEMISED!
>Ofcom agent: No no, it's pining for sunsp....
>QRPer: It's not pining, it's passed on. It has ceased to be. It's a 
>wasteland just like 6 with no aurora! It's flatter than me 80 meter 
>dipole. If it hadn't been for ground wave I'd be hearing crickets. 
>It's off the dial, it's run down the coax and joined the bloody Palos 
>Verdes Sundancers. Vis-a-vis DX QSOs, this band's 'ad it's lot. All 
>statements to the effect of this band's being workable are from now 
>on inoperative. TEN METERS IS NOW QRT! (slams mic down on the desk)
>Radio: CQ CQ CQ TEN VP8LP calling from the Falkland Islands, anybody, 
>anywhere, CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ (fades out).
>QRPer: (astonished)
>Ofcom agent: Right! (evil grin on his face; pull back to reveal the 
>Ofcom agent pull out a Wouff Hong and a Rettysnitch from behind the 
>counter and chases the QRPer out of the office and down the street).
>(may be shamelessly copied eslewhere and modified to be funnier at 
>will, but please credit W2IRT)
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