>  The team wishes to work folks like you with modest stations and has ask
> the big guns to hold off a bit.

While that's nice of them, I don't think it's necessary.

The little pistol's #1 weapon in the pileups is to act like they're a big

A well timed and well placed in frequency 100W to a dipole ***can*** beat a
kW to a 4el yagi manned by a sloppy DXer on 20m.  Forget about what stations
you're trying to beat because first of all, you don't know, and second of
all, they're not more than 20dB louder than you are and while that's a lot,
on CW the good op on the other end can intentionally copy the weaker one,
and on SSB you can sorta hear a -20dB station through the louder one.  Not
well, but maybe well enough to come back with "The Whiskey Eight?"

A DXer with excellent skills  with high power and a big antenna is very hard
to beat, but they get out of your way reaaaaaaaly fast.  They listen a
little, figure out where to call, call once and they're through, and off to
another band.

The only reason I need to be a bigger gun at this point in my DXing is
because I can't hear SE Asian stations/expeditions at all when they're on.
I need a big 20m beam on a tall tower so I don't keep missing Spratly, etc.


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