We field checkers can't check Deleted or 160 cards

73, Gerry
ARRL DXCC Card Checker
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-6520

From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 3:59 PM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Deleted DXCC entities

I think the limitation on deleted entities being checked only at HQ was lifted, 
as was the "no older than 10 years" rule on cards, a short time ago.  


I will defer a definitive answer on that to the resident DXCC card checker on 
the reflector.  Considering that when he was kind enough to stop by here and 
check my 20 meter cards, and it included some deleted entities. and they all 
passed muster. I'm pretty sure I'm on safe ground here.


(BTW Steve, any idea when you're visiting your aunt next?  I'm gathering my 40 
meter cards as it is.)


73, ron w3wn



From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Bob Beaudet
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 4:46 PM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted DXCC entities



You must submit deleted entity QSLs to ARRL for checking, not to a Field 
Checker but as Tom says, 

they all count toward your overall total. Deleted entity QSLs may be submitted 
at any time. There's no 

rush to get the PJs turned in before 10-10-10. 


73, Bob W1YRC


From: yardmast...@att.net 

Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 3:49 PM

To: prvs=18853767d8=n5...@brmemc.net ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 

Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted DXCC entities



Larry, you can still submit any deleted country, and it will count toward your 
overall total. It will NOT count toward your honor roll status or toward the 




Tom N4TJ

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