What is the best way to do "by the numbers?" x minutes for each number or until no response? x QSOs for each number or until no response? Or....?


Dick Flanagan K7VC

On 7/26/2011 3:03 PM, Dave Gomberg wrote:

At 14:20 7/26/2011, john wrote:
Agreed...by the numbers is great, if you take 5 min of 1's , 5, of 2's , etc.

That rarely happens, and indeed it sucks if you're not in 1 or 2 land.

To make numbers work, use a random starting number, 0-9

That however is what makes the hunt so interesting...and frustrating sometimes!
John K5MO

At 04:00 PM 7/26/2011, Gary Wilburn wrote:

Forwarded from Wayne’s post in dx-news
Great words of wisdom Wayne that I wish more Dx Pedition operators would follow. By the numbers is great if your in 1 land ­ not so great for the guy in 0 (zero) land. Many times by the time the DX gets to zero land band conditions have changed. Sometimes you hear them begin with zero but not very often. Continents and parts of continents (west, east, central regions or coasts would make better QSO rates especially if timed with peaked propagation openings. 73, Gary W8VI


A DXpedition operator who says “JA Only” and complains about calls by others in Asia is an inexperienced DXpedition operator. Generally, “JA” means “Asia.” Further, working strictly by counties is simply not acceptable. Most of us who have tried it won’t ever do it again. Numbers don’t work, either. Working continents (with flexibility) is the most effective, if you HAVE to subdivide the pileup. There are a number of other equitable ways, as well.

73, Wayne, N7NG
Jackson, Wyoming

From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of BILL KIRK
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:35 AM
To: ra9ab-m...@mail.ru; dx-n...@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

I agree with Michail. Seldom, if ever, does the DXpedition call for RA's, UA's, etc. Maybe the DXpeditions want to take notice.

73, Bill NJ1X

From: M.Vasiliev <ra9ab-m...@mail.ru>
To: dx-n...@njdxa.org
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

Hello Charles,
Here, in UA9, from every DX-pedition we always can hear
"onlly EU" and "only JA" and sometimes we even have no chance to work this
DX in time of good propagation
"UA9 -You are not EU!". "UA9 -You are not JA!"
Something like this :(

Tuesday, July 26, 2011, 9:28:48 AM, you wrote:
CH> When a DXpedition chooses to call BY COUNTRY, such as "only
CH> JA," it is no surprise that they never call "only HS," but by
CH> calling "only EU" etc, little old me in Thailand gets left
CH> out--like VU, SEAsia, and China as well as CENTRAL America. There
CH> are hams in these ignored areas of the world who do not like to
CH> try to break the "JA only" announcement, but have no choice. But
CH> it is no fun to call, as I just did, for 4 hours (ST0R) while the
CH> op ran "JA only" and twice made the mistake of sending "HS" and
CH> then correcting himself--he heard me, hi hi.
CH> Note, my K4VUD email has been hacked. 73, Charly HS0ZCW

Best regards,
M.Vasiliev - R9AB - ICQ 8636160 mailto:ra9ab-m...@mail.ru

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