I don't know but it is sure nice knowing you are in the log. Before, everyone was making umpteen insurance contacts which kept some of the Deserving from getting in the log. There was always that twinge of conscience when you were working a rare, weak one and he came back with what sounded like the first two letters of your call only to have some moron yell UP UP right at the crucial moment. So, not knowing for sure, back at it just adding to the confusion.
Steve, N4JQQ

Wayne Mills wrote:
How did we possibly manage without the on-line logs??!!

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

-----Original Message-----
From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Crownhaven
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 4:33 AM
To: DX Chat
Subject: [DX-CHAT] 4W6A Logs

I'm noticing that QSOs that show up on their log on one day are gone the next. New ones are added and then they go away. Anyone seeing this problem with the 4W6A logs??????

Steve, N4JQQ

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