Gentlemen, I hope I didn't light this flame a week or so with my request for 
info re ST0R and LOTW. My apologies if I am guilty. 

This worn out thread needs to be buried. Please read what Ryan said in his 
email (below) as he is right on the mark. Most DXpeditions are not going to 
instantly put their logs on LOTW and shouldn't be expected to do so. They have 
substantial costs to try and recover, and we should help them do it or 
DXpeditions are going to disappear. 

I doubt very much that anyone is making money by doing a DXpedition, and are 
frequently exposing themselves to personal safety and health risks. Be kind and 
considerate to the guys who take these risks to put a QSO in your log. 

John Owens - N7TK 

Celebrating over 50 Years in Ham Radio 
No. 1 Honor Roll 

"Are you sure they did it? 

Their webpage says this: 

Donors and Sponsors will receive LoTW CFMs after the DXped ends. 

Maybe they changed their minds afterwards but the initial expectation 
was that LoTW was a perk of donating. 

It is apparent that some don't realize the massive costs of a major 
DXpedition. It's not simply two guys taking a boat with a rig and a 
wire antenna. Some of these operations cost tens or even hundreds of 
thousands of dollars. 

And with that cost, there must be a means of recouping some of it. 

I have no problem with tossing a few bucks in the tip jar if I get a new one. 

Bureau is and likely will always be free. Many of them upload to LoTW 
after 1-2 years after the expedition ends anyway. 

But to expect everyone to spend tens or hundreds of thousands and then 
not expect to recoup some of those costs is just silly. 

Ryan, N2RJ " 

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