The DX spots collection  -  from January 1997 up to October 2005  -  is
    available at, as well the relevant software

November 17, 2005


The Finnish quartet of OH0RJ, OH2BH, OH2BO and OH2PM will attempt a boat 
landing onto this barren rock from November 22-24,  2005 in their effort to 
put OJ0B and OJ0J on the low bands, both CW and SSB, for one week, 
including the CQ World Wide DX contest. If landing is not successful by 
Thursday, the 24th, the operation will not take place this season.

The last winter season low-band activity from Market Reef was in 1988. One 
of the team members in that year, John, W2GD was injured and had to be 
airlifted out of the rock by rescue helicopter. With tightened aviation 
regulations, it is now impossible to carry petrol or any sizable objects, 
such as antenna masts, alongside the helicopter body; hence small boat 
landing remains the only potential choice. The ground temperature is below 
freezing and the sea is ice-cold and about to freeze, with high winds at 
this time of the year. As of November 17, first snow of about 4 inches fell 
on the Aland Archipelago.

You can monitor the Market Reef weather at:

With no jetty or other potential landing point, the group is forced to use 
a zodiac and land at whatever corner of the reef they find calmer, and send 
their boat back to Aland Islands immediately after a successful landing. 
They will be taken back by helicopter, weather permitting, after the 
contest, November 28. The high cost of the overall transport is partly 
offset by the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF).

Please note that at the very best, the challenge will also be at your end 
of the circuit. Market Reef along with Finland is located at 60 degrees 
North inside the aurora oval. According to the statistics, the area is 
usually suffering the aurora for an average of 100 days a year. This time 
the geomagnetic conditions are expected to be favorable for LF since the 
operation is scheduled to take place between the impacts of recurrent 
coronal holes 194 and 195 (STAR tags).

Operating frequencies are harmonized with the R1MVW group and are as follows:

CW:      1812.5 and 1834.5, 3512 and 3544, 7012 and 7034, 10112, 14034, 
18082, 21034, 24894 and 28034 kHz

SSB:      1855, 3798, 7080, 14190, 18140, 21290, 24940, 28490 kHz

QSL routing: OJ0B via OH2BH and OJ0J via OH0RJ

Aland Islands, November 18-21, 2005

Martti, OH2BH and Ville, OH2MM will be active this coming weekend from OH0 
making preparations for the Market Reef outing and the CQWW CW contest. 
Ville will activate OH0MM in the CQWW all-band category. QSL OH0B via OH2BH 
and OH0MM via OH2MM.

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   Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
       425 DX News Editor
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                        >>> 425 DX NEWS - NEW SEARCH TOOL <<<

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The command is SH/425 [text], where [text] should be replaced with a callsign,
a IOTA Reference number, Island name, Antarctica Base, Lighthouse, etc.

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