
Because the system was unavailable a couple of weekends ago. I did an upload early Friday evening. Then another a little later.
The first one got processed, the second not until Monday late morning.
To me, a systems manager, that's a clear sign things crashed and got restarted when people came in to start the week Monday morning.

I can document the times but why go there. They clearly need to overhaul that system. I am a big supporter of ARRL but at times I wonder what goes on in Newington.


Here is a comment from someone last night:


   Re: LoTW Update - what's really wrong

       Wed Nov 7, 2012 6:18 pm (PST) . Posted by:

     "N4NW" n4nw

I learned today that the whole LotW mess is because the system
crashed when LotW ran out of 'space' to store the data! This
resulted in the system shut down.

Although additional storage has been added because the two databases
(LotW and DXCC) crashed the databases have to be
rebuilt. Unfortunately, the ARRL, when it originally created LotW a
proprietary database program unique to LotW was created. Why? I don't
know write to your ARRL Director and demand an explanation.

In any case I am lead to believe that as soon as the database is
rebuilt access will resume.

My contact assured me that no log data was lost as multiple backup
are made - it remains to be seen how true this is.

What is important about this incident is it would seem, as some have
expressed, that monitoring LotW is not a priority. Communications by
ARRL members to their specific ARRL DIRECTOR will have the most
impact on elevating LotW to a higher lever of support and attention.

Tom Gregory, N4NW

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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