Russell Kellam Jr wrote:
> I fully agree with the proposal that if P5 authorities refuse twice
> to issue a written license, they should be removed from the list
> until the problem is resolved thru the ITU. Don't forget, Marti Lane
> left them a complete amateur radion station. 73 Russ W4UBC

For cryin' out loud, guys!  China was not on the air for decades.
Other entities have not shown up on the bands for years and years.
None of us has any entitlement to work any particular country within
some relatively short time frame.  I don't believe that anyone can show
us where any entity has been removed from the DXCC list due to
unavailability of licenses for that entity.

I understand that you would like to work P5.  Almost all of us would
like to do so. The black helicopters swooped low when doubt raised its
head over the legality of the operations by Martti Laine OH2BH.  A
recent post quoting NC1L obliterated the perception of shadowy intrigue
on the part of Martti and leaves those who did the speculating with egg
on their faces.

Let's get on with DXing and stop the sour grapes routine.

Dave Heil K8MN
Cameron, WV
"Not in the middle of nowhere--but you can see it from here"
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