Aleluia for your explanation Ron.

> I really don't understand why a few people are making such a fuss about
> all of a sudden.  Have we abandoned all semblance of common sense?
---> Because they don't know the facts, I mean the real facts, not what you
       can hear in the media.

Will WC6DX, a probable scenario is that the 4W prefix will transit from the
to the Republica Popular de Timor-Leste, like we did with the XX9 prefix, we
actually give it to China when we passed the sovereignity of the Territory
to them.
But then again, everything can happen.

In the Timor issue, I, like many others, was there and happy to play a role
in the
Independence process, we had begin that fight in the late 80's in Portugal,
but the
real heroes are the people of East-Timor and a handfull of corageous
including an American.

So, instead of worrying about whats going to happen now with the DXCC issues
or whatever, we should think of whats going to be of the future of HAM Radio
East-Timor, you see, this issues or DX'peditioning just for the sake of DX
are nice
but do not help to establish the bases of a HAM Radio Service in the
there are NO East-Timorese HAMs, just foregneirs that are now leaving with
the UN.
(Nothing has been done until now, believe me I know what I'm talking about).

So, lets discuss something constructive and find ways to motivate
for HAM Radio, I have already started to work in that !


Jose  CT1EEB
(4W6EB former UN-WFP TC Officer in East-Timor)

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