|         |           ?tefan Horecký  |
|         |           <om3jw@konektel.|
|         |           sk>             |
|         |           Sent by:        |
|         |           DX-News-owner@pr|
|         |           o-usa.net       |
|         |                           |
|         |                           |
|         |           06/23/2002 03:17|
|         |           AM              |
|         |                           |
  |        To:      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                              
  |        cc:                                                                         
  |        Subject: [DX-NEWS] AH6ML/AH9                                                

On September 1993 I worked AH6ML/AH9 and he asked QSL via OKDXA. It was
long time ago, but I didn't get QSL. I have tried it more time via Box 88
in Wellstone.
Does anybody know callsign of President OKDXA or other active member, their
e-mails or actual Website???

                                Thanks a lot!   Steve, OM3JW

Steve OM3JW and all:

Our legacy is still a pain in absentia.

Around 1990, George Adkins AD1S appointed himself prez of a so-called OKDXA. It wasn't 
a club.
His intent was to make a profit handling QSL cards for DX stations and building a super
contest station. He failed at both efforts.  His call expired 524 days ago and AH9ML 
over a year ago. AD1S had the box 88 in Wellston. If he left his logbooks with anyone, 
news to me. He tore his towers down and sold all his equipment years ago and we 
haven't heard
from him since. Personally I don't think his original intent was to actually have a 
club. He
just used the State of Oklahoma in his mailing address to make his efforts appear 
He has disappointed a lot of DXers expecting QSL cards for stations worked. At any 
rate, when
a few members actually sent him $10 for dues (sic), there were no thanks, membership 
document, acknowledgement, or anything else ensuing. (except the cleared check)

The OKDXA didn't become an ARRL affiliated club until 1994-5 or thereabouts. (if 
memory serves)

The OKDXA has never officially handled QSL cards for DX stations since ARRL 
affiliation, so
for future references, if a station says QSL via OKDXA, it better be for the Oklahoma 
QSO party.
Now this may change in the future but if any of you are waiting for a card from pob 88 
Wellston, write it off and work another station or try another route.

For more information on the OKDXA, please visit our website at 
Thanks to Don Flenner W4YCH for providing the URL in an earlier Email.

Here's hoping this is the end of this. It is off topic for news. Please send any 
further discertation,
discussion, etc. to DX-CHAT.

73,   Ross  K5RH

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