
What eQSL needs is a way of sending the DX4WIN user a file that can be used
to mark QSOs as confirmed. I made that suggestion, but it is not in the plans.
( do not feel like searching and confirming QSOs manually ,when that information
is available in electronic form)

A long time ago there was a lot of back and forth about eQSL and LOW; looking
at my mailbox, it seemed to have dried up almost completely. The discussions 
spent a lot of energy on discussing the next round of ADIF. Its my impression,
that LOW is more concerned about security issues than about functionality.


 At 08:51 AM 11/19/02 -0600, Mike Mellinger WA0SXV wrote:
>This is a problem.  For the ARRL "vision" (I deliberately used the
>quotes) to be successful there is going to have to be considerable
>integration of their system in existing logging programs.
>Consider the following problem.
>The eQSL system is a complete disaster if you operate portable, mobile,
>or from multiple QTH's.  It does not keep track of such things except
>for use of the NOTES field.  I don't expect that the ARRL system will be
>much better.  The ARRL system has the capability of storing the current
>QTH in each record -- but this requires that the logging program send
>such information.  And it requires that the ARRL implement that field --
>and use it for awards checking.  From my reading of the ARRL design
>documents they were primarily interested in DXCC tracking.  But
>counties, states, lighthouses, and other things generate a lot of paper
>QSL activity and that is unlikely to stop.
>Before someone asks, yes I have talked to the ARRL about this and the
>answers have been unsettling.  The "guru" there says that it is part of
>the implementation of the authenticity certificates.  Since that is a
>ridiculous approach to the problem, I'm assuming that he is wrong.
>Hang on to your QSL cards!
>Mike WA0SXV
>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Larry Gauthier
>Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 08:10
>To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
>Subject: [Dx4win] Next version of DX4WIN - tracking QSLs and e-QSLs?
>I don't know about everybody else, but with the ARRL move toward
>sanctioning Internet-based QSLing, I have begun using eQSL. It works OK,
>it is fast, but it is not as exciting as opening envelopes from the
>mailman. I still enjoy - and can't imagine ever abandoning - the
>traditional practice of sending and collecting "real" QSL cards.
>The problem is that DX4WIN regards a QSL as a boolean [Yes/No] event -
>you either have a confirming QSL, or you do not. With the arrival of
>e-QSL's, I will want to track more than one receipt per QSO: When did I
>send/receive an eQSL? When did I send/receive a physical QSL? And, of
>course, there would need to be reports that differentiate, for example
>"e"-DXCC versus "classic"-DXCC.
>Is anyone tracking those two mechanisms in DX4WIN today? How?
>Dx4win mailing list

Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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