
What OS are you running this on?

If it is XP or Win2k have you checked the event log to see if there are disk

On the surface, it sounds like it not a DX4Win issue.

Tell us more.  Have you tried running this on another computer to see if you
get the same errors?  You might want to send the log to somone else and see
if they have the same problem.

How big is the log file?

Mike Walker VA3MW
DX Cluster telnet://

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard L. King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] Lost data

> I have been having an intermittent problem with DX4WIN V5.03 for a few
> months now that is potentially serious.
> Occasionally when I save the database or close DX4WIN before shutdown, I
> get an error writing the log file during the saving of my log data. When
> this happens, usually the last 80% of my log entries are lost with each
> lost entry replaced with some specific data in certain fields.
> In the BAND area I get "xxxm". In the TIME area I get "0000". And in the
> MODE area it is always "AM". There may be other fields that are always
> changed to a constant, but those are the fields that I remember. This all
> gets repeated for about 60,000 QSOs and the real data is lost.
> When the failure occurs, a correct log file cannot be found anywhere on my
> harddrive. What saves me is that I usually do a daily backup on a zip file
> that I update every night only before I shutdown. I use a stand-alone
> file to execute this backup.
> My log file has 87,000 entries in it and it would be a disaster for me to
> lose that much DXing data. After the failure and I reload the log file,
> log data is correct up to about the first 20,000 entries. But the last
> 60,000 QSOs are lost being replaced with the data I mentioned above.
> I don't know if there is an answer for this problem. But I do think that
> everyone should have a regular, independent method of backing up their log
> file.
> Any suggestions? The problem really got scary yesterday when I had some
> problems reading my backup file on the zip drive. I eventually recovered
> the database though. Whew!
> 73, Richard
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