At 03:53 AM 5/19/03, Alan C. Zack wrote:

>What about USA stations who at times go to a DX locations and use
>their home call with a portable designation?  About every other year I
>go to the Philippines and operate from there for the CQWWDX or ARRL 10
>mtr SSB.  I have a portable DU Permit from the Phil NTC.  DX4WIN uses
>a coding system so I know which of the contacts in my log are for what
>contest and therefore for which call, be it K6ACZ (Home QTH) or
>DU/K6ACZ (Phil QTH).  But when I send in my log how will the program
>be able to determine which log entries are from home or portable?  How
>will that W2 station that worked me on 80 mtrs when I was in Manila be
>able to match his log up with mine to have the contact confirmed with
>DU/K6ACZ mixed in with all the straight K6ACZ log entries?

The identity certificates (signatures) in LOTW are issued to callsigns not 

So you'll need two identity certificates: an identity certificate for K6ACZ 
and an identity certificate for DU/K6ACZ. You'll sign the QSOs made using 
K6ACZ with your K6ACZ signature and the QSOs made with DU/K6ACZ using your 
DU/K6ACZ signature.

Along with the correct signature each QSO record in the upload contains the 
callsign you used for making that QSO so matching up QSOs is not an issue.
In principle, QSOs from any number of calls can be mixed together in the 
same upload.

In practice, the stand-alone demo application to do the signing ("TQSL")
that's included in the beta distribution supports just one call per input 
Integrated support of LOTW could remove the one call per upload limitation 
and overall just be a whole lot spiffier.

Mike K1MK

Michael Keane K1MK

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