I usually do the enter then edit routine...

Gary - WB4SQ

--- Rick Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If there's one single-most thing about DX4WIN that irritates me, it
> is the
> entry method.
> Lets day you are working a particular station. You proceed enter all
> the
> pertinent data (name,qth, etc.). THEN you find out that he is either
> a
> mobile or you have his call letters switched around. So, you re-enter
> his
> callsign with either /M for mobile or physically change his call. ALL
> the
> data is gone!
> I can't tell you how many times I have had to re-ask the person for
> their
> information after I had to make a change to their callsign. I can
> tell you
> that listening to many DXPeditions, if they use this program, they
> would
> have the same problem as I have heard them get all the information
> and then
> get corrected for the callsign.
> Am I missing something here?
> And. Why doesn't DX4WIN use the preferences setup to signify what
> bands
> modes that they work? I don't use CLOVER, PACKTOR, etc. It would be
> nice to
> see these disappear from you choices on the entry screen.
> 73 DE AI3W, Rick 
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