Hi Ho

hm. sorry you did the de-mystify also :), it was partially done, hm I am
still struggling will look your code shortly to compare :)

the NS stuff works with drop downs for NS6.1Win , for N4 and even NS6.0Linux
there is is combo box.
So the NS stuff works startting NS6.1 that is GOOD news :)

re .NET maybe I am wrong here but,

1) somwhere someone said that .NET WebControls do work cross broswer in a
manner that the server ASPX objects are converted into broswer dependand
DHMTL code.
2) that toolbar looked so damn similar to .NET VS Toolbar.
3) there is no 'webdesign by..' on cobaltai
4) ther is no copyright in .js code ??? yes it must be free then hihihi
5) there is .NET logo on www.cobaltai

based on 1..5 I decided that what we see is the MS .NET webserver rendered
output for .NET framework 'Toolbar' component as it is seen in browser.

maybe I am wrong. but I really did not think that any webdesigner could
design such menu and not to put his copyright into the code. NOWAY. most of
those I-am-the-best-on-web guys do put the copyright/license stuff into the
.js files.

besides that, cobalt AI is such a joung startup (whose actual products do
not work, I tried) that I would be REAL surprised if they would have hired
someone to desing that Menu script (or made himself, even less likely). What
they did is simply playing around with .NET studio and you seee the toolbar


ok looked at your version.
I am trying to 'isolate' the reoutines, and decompress the html/div but can
not get it work fully, there is strange effect, if I do not use runtime
Expand() but insert the <DIV> tags (as expand would do) then there is
something f... with styles, 'visited' menus have incorrect behav, everything
else works.

... trying to create few classes to represent a 'Toolbar' object that would
generate all needed html code :)

if you look at the way the are doing it, the 'compressor' does make sense,
its about 1 to 3 compression and will increase if larger menu/toolbar, of
course a 'object framework' would give better compression :)


PS thanks for the reply


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