At 10:41 AM 12/28/2000 -0500, B Ray wrote:
>Is it just me or does anyone else get more confused as SR tries 
>to answer what I thought was a fairly simple question? The 
>response given below to the question gets more complex and 
>confusing each time Mr Jenkins tries to answer it.  Why does it 
>take a book to do this?

I think Craig  Haynie answered the question very simply.

BTW, Elwyn did say he was writing a book, no? ;-).

>Also the whole operation is based in the US and according to a 
>previous post, there are a number of people with very close 
>connections to the government involved with SR.  You are asked 
>to give quite a bit of personal information in order to open an 
>acct including a SS# all this makes me very suspicious and 
>starts my mind asking lots of questions.
>B Pate

There are two requirements for opening accounts at Standard Reserve:

1.  You pay your fees
2.  You are who you say you are.

We are not an anonymous payment service.  We are seriously 
focused on introducing a large number of merchants and consumers 
into this new payment system.  Hence we need information that can 
be used to verify each applicant.

As far as "a number of people with very close connections to the 
government" please tell me who they are?  As the CEO of SR, I 
think I should  know who these government operatives are, eh?


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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