At 06:23 PM 3/2/2001 -0800, Fred wrote:
>I tried setting up a Merchant Account with Standard Reserve and got nothing
>but error messages.  They told me that my account name was already taken.
>This, no matter what  account name I used.  I really doubt if "Painful
>Rectal Itch" was taken.
>Anyone have any suggestions on who else to go to to get a Merchant account?

Hi Fred:

Sorry you experienced some difficulty with the merchant 
account.  I don't know what happened, as I do know we are signing 
up merchants.  I am cc'ing Loryn Jenkin, who is our COO/CTO and I 
am asking him to look into this issue, and get back to you ASAP.

Needless to say, we value you as a merchant, and I will follow up 
to be sure that this issue is taken care of.

George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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