>> Sounds good! Folks there should also know that you sell a nice shirt! :)
>*Thanks for that Jim, glad you like the shirt, if anyone else want's one and
>would like a peek at our Ingrid too, go to
>www.vw-online.co.uk/htdocs/merchandise.htm or it might be html , I can never

I still think your shirt-model should have an e-gold tipjar on her page! ;) 
[Guys, bad news -- she's married!] 

>> I'd love to see a UK market maker too, the closer the better, but I think
>> Paul from icegold.com can do it! He's cool and has been around a while.
>*OK , sounds good to me
>> Another thing you could hopefully do is sell grams at a profit and slowly
>> become the market maker you seek (at least, that's what I want you to
>> do!). ;^)
>*Gosh, gulp, lil' ole' me a Market Maker??!!, I don't know about that, it
>sounds intriguing though, where would I start?

You can e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for directions, but mostly folks just
start with an e-gold account or two, with enough grams in them, and
maintain a trading balance with enough pounds/whatevers in their
bank account(s), and then buy & sell with a spread. It's fun once you
get the hang of it, and profitable enough that occasionally it feeds
some of us! You'll have some good competition (including the above
mentioned Icegold!) but they're very helpful and full of good hints to
get you started, in my experience. It's sort of a community within the
larger e-gold community, I guess. Thanks!

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