> > fraud.  They closed all 3 of our accounts,  but unlike paypal they are
> > regulated and they promptly got all of our non-pending  funds to us.
> I'm not quite sure I understand.  They returned all your "non-pending"
> funds.  What about your "pending" funds?  I'm a little clear on what
> non-pending vs. pending means, and I'm wondering if you eventually got ALL
> of your money back, or did you ultimately take a loss?

No the pending funds were returned to the customers that sent the funds.
The bad part was the customers actually had to be notified by me, and they
had to cancel the transaction to get the funds back in their accounts.  This
was bad because I no longer had access to my c2it account to see the pending
transactions.   I took no losses, I honestly dont think C2it would take any
funds from anyone purposely like paypal did.   We are dabbling with


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