On Friday, November 21, 2003, at 12:24 PM, Viking Coder wrote:

I just created a Pecunix account. The system is great
No way for a beginner to complete the registration and log-in process.

This seems to be the general consesus of Pecunix. I haven't had a chance
to personally check it out though - hopefully this weekend.

As I promised I just showed my wife how to log into my Pecunix account. I did not take her through the new account creation process, though, which I admit is more difficult than merely logging in.

It seems kind of ironic that a system designed to protect the un-tech savy
from their own security ignorance is too complicated for un-tech savy
users to properly use.

So I asked my wife what she thought about that whole PIK / combo box process. She understood it immediately, and instructed me to tell the list that if she can do it, anyone can.

But certainly creating a new account is a horse of a different color, I'll admit.

-- Patrick

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