Robert, JP,

Robert B.Z. wrote:
Pecunix is just *too* good to be convenient for heavy users ;o)

That's why we have such excellent automation Robert. I guess I am a heavy user of Pecunix but I rarely log in to the web interface... It is all done automatically by my account system backend, transaction history, payments, everything.

Robert B.Z. wrote:
By the way, how about adding a routine that calls Open2Exchange to convert
pecunix into e-gold?

So you could say ..... it's Sidd's pecunix system combined with Sidd's dgc<->dgc system amalgamated directly in to Sidd's pecunix system.

> Hence, I encourage Sidd to urgently integraate metal-escrow's > dgc<->dgc system DIRECTLY IN TO pecunix.

> (The reason I address you specifically Sidd is you're the most
> can-do IG operator.)

Thanks JP... You guys are too fast for me! First Robert asks for Gold-Cart 2 days before I release it, now this... It is in the pipeline, but I have a life too :) (I also read Dowd, excellent).

Look for some big changes over the next few months. The next big thing is over at Open2exchange coming in a couple of weeks time... I think you will all love it, and it will help us to deal with the logistics of Robert/JP's idea above.

Next year we will see some dramatic enhancements in Pecunix functionality, and of course the escrow facility built into Gold-Cart... also, stay tuned to get into the action, private placement investment in many of these ventures will be offered on PVCSE.

Right now I'm off to go and have some weekend time with my family :) See y'all Monday.



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