Using the status_url cgi page to make a payment to someone else

I currently have a form that people fill in to join a club
, after they click submit they are directed to an e-gold sci
form to make the payment.

After they've made the payment,
the status url cgi page I have
takes the information they've submitted
and compares the MD5 V2 hash with one I've constucted
from the data to make sure the submission is coming from e-gold.

It then creates a record in a MySQL database and emails the person
the link to log into the database.

WHAT I would like to do next is have the status cgi form
pay the referral commission automatically by submitting to:

I've already constructed a stand alone script using the above and tested it.

I just can't seem to figure out how to do that within the status url.

Dan McLean

26 Jan 01
I will explain below more clearly, exactly the steps:

1. a person fills out an online form at my site.
   It collects their egold number and their referrals egold number as well
as other info required.
<input type='hidden' name='STATUS_URL' value='egoldpayment_status_url.cgi'>
<input type='hidden' name='PAYMENT_URL_METHOD' value='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='PAYMENT_URL' value='egoldpaymentnew.cgi'>

<input type='hidden' name='NOPAYMENT_URL_METHOD' value='POST'>

<input type='hidden' name='NOPAYMENT_URL' value='egoldnonpaymentnew.cgi'>

2. They submit the above form.

3. The data is directed to a form called "egoldpayment_check_record.cgi"
   where their egold account number(which is their username) is checked
against the MySQL database
   to make sure they haven't already paid and are already a member.
   If there is a duplicate record, it displays the following and STOPS.
"Error: Duplicate e-gold account number. This record already exists in
No need to resubmit.
To obtain a password to access this account click:
Click here to go to Personal Members Area

You have already paid for your membership. "

4. If they are a new record i.e. their egold account number is not in the
database the data is sent to:
     e-metal payment order
          Pay:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          Account:  xxxxxx
          Amount:  .01 USD' worth of Gold

         Memo: email@address/John Doe                  ref. # Refer-egold-
         From: xxxxxxxxx  (Account Number)

5. They make the payment by clicking on "Preview" then "Confirm"
   The following things happens to the information sent to:

   a) First the V2_HASH is compared against a calculated V2 hash from the
information received.
      The alternate password which is used in the construction of the
comparison hash,
      is stored in a file that is above the web root server, so it is not
      if someone was able to read the script. It is brought in for use by
utilization of a script
      that reads data from static files:
      my $xxxx = static_page ("xxxxxxx");
     This is done using Perl -> Digest::MD5

        if ($real_faker eq "False"){

print "This is not a real payment submission from the egold site! \n";print
"Transaction cancelled\n";

         exit (0);

 If it passes that test then I know that the data is coming form egold site
and payment has been made.

   b) It then does the duplicate record check again to make sure we don't
create a duplicate record.
      If it passes that test then I know that this is a new record.

   c) It then creates a new record in the MySQL database.
     Within that record it marks referral_fee_paid field as "N"
     which means it hasn't been paid yet.

  d) It emails the person their login information for the members area.
     It also emails myself information about the new member.

6. Back to where the member is at the:
   form waiting to press the continue button to take them back to my site to
   egoldpaymentnew.cgi form. They press the "Continue Button"
   Now this is where it gets interesting and a bit complicated.

  a) egoldpaymentnew.cgi is a frame top level page that utilizes perl as
well as JavaScript
     in it's html sections to accomplish its 2 GOALS:
      i) Pay the referral fee, if it hasn't been paid already.
     ii) Show a confirmation to the user of the spend they've made,
         with a link to their personal members area, where they can login.

There are 4 files associated with this section:
egoldpayment.cgi -> top level frame
The egoldpayment.cgi html section looks like this
<frameset rows='0,*'>
<frame name='header' scrolling='no' noresize target='_self'

<frame name='main' src='egoldpaymentnew.cgi' target='_self'

egoldpayment_ref.cgi -> referral fee automatic payment script or
top.htm -> an empty html file used when either the record doesn't exist in
the MySQL Database or
the referral fee has already been paid.

egoldpaymentnew.cgi -> Confirmation form for members that is always

   b) When egoldpaymentnew.cgi starts it checks to see if the egold account
number(username) from the exists in the MySQL
database and whether
      the referral fee has already been paid.

                "SELECT * FROM members WHERE ref_fee_paid = 'N' AND username = ?");

   c) If the above conditions are true, then it changes the ref_fee_paid
field to  'Y' {i.e. paid}
      If they're false it changes the variable $egoldpaymentnew_f from
egoldpayment_ref.cgi to

  d) It then sets some memory variables using JavaScript that the other
"child" frame forms:
      egoldpayment_ref.cgi and   egoldpaymentnew.cgi can gain access to
using JavaScript
      and references like this: parent.r_id_d_top

Set within egoldpayment.cgi using JavaScript within the html section of the
cgi script
var r_id_d_top = '$r_id'
var email_top = '$email_d'

var Name_top = '$realname_d'

var membership_fee_top = '$fee_d'

var batchnum_top = '$batchnum_d'
var egold_top = '$egold_account_number'

   e) If the record exists and ref fee hasn't been paid then this script
runs in
      the hidden top frame: egoldpayment_ref.cgi

This form generates all the information required to submit to:
<form method='POST' action=''
name='formegold' >
which is the automatic payment side of e-gold.

It does this by generating an html page with onLoad=checkPage(this.form)
in the body tag.
<BODY BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' TEXT='#000000' onLoad=\"checkPage(this.form)\">

The checkPage JavaScript located in the head portion of the html looks like

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'><!--<!-- Begin

function checkPage(formegold) {

document.formegold.Payee_Account.value = parent.r_id_d_top

document.formegold.Memo.value = 'ref fee:' + parent.email_top

document.formegold.AccountID.value =  '$AccountID_a'
document.formegold.PassPhrase.value = '$xxxxx'
document.formegold.Amount.value =  '$Amount'
document.formegold.PAY_IN.value = '$PAY_IN_a'

document.formegold.WORTH_OF.value = '$WORTH_OF_a'

//  End -->


The PassPhrase which is used to make the automated payment,
      is stored in a file that is above the web root server, so it is not
      if someone was able to read the script. It is brought in for use by
utilization of a script
      that reads data from static files:
      my $xxxx = static_page ("xxxxxxx");

The important part of this is the final part which is
which submits the form data to egold:
and makes the referral payment.

YOU CANNOT PLACE ANYTHING IN THE function checkPage after
if you do the submit will not happen, because it will stop it.


If the record isn't created quickly enough by the status url submission then
when the member
clicks on continue the egoldpayment.cgi script will not find the record in
the database
and will therefore not pay the referral commission.
I've tried playing with the perl sleep command in the egoldpayment.cgi to
allow time
for the record to be created in the MySQL database. But I finally abandoned
as creating more problems than it was worth.

On the plus side I've found that about 80% of the commissions do get paid,
and the ones that aren't paid are marked in the MySQL database as "N"
so I can easily check.

What I really want to be able to do is utilize the status url
script egoldpayment_status_url.cgi
to make the payment. But I can't seem to be able to get it to do it
because "however if any HTML is returned it is simply ignored and
so I can't do the submit form JavaScript thing I do with

I know there must be a way to make automatic payments utilizing
perl to the
without having to submit forms or use html- which will be ignored
as stated below, but I can't figure it out.

If I can use the status url then I won't have the timing problem
since it won't make the payment until the record is already created,
plus I won't need to worry about anyone spoofing forms
since the submission is coming right from egold and has already been
verified using the V2_HASH


Daniel McLean
"This Form is submitted using the POST method to the URL provided previously
to e-gold®  system in the hidden text field called STATUS_URL. This URL is
typically that of a cgi program that reads and acts upon the hidden text
fields present on the form. It is likely that the program will store the
order information and the e-gold transaction information for accounting

No response is expected from the merchant system when this form is
submitted, however if any HTML is returned it is simply ignored and
discarded. Note that the e-gold® server is designed to resubmit the Payment
Transaction Form until it obtains a valid http(s) status response
(indicating a successful post) or until the configured retries have been
exhausted. Because of this, under certain communication error conditions it
may be possible for the Merchant’s server to receive a duplicate Payment
Transaction Form."

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