Hi Rick,

I did indeed come up against this issue once I solved the BASE HREF
issue. I ended up inserting my own, as I had hoped to avoid, and
after some futzing even figured out what that BASE HREF should be.

Once I had that solved I looked in my browser's location bar and
realized it was all on our site still and the implications sank
in immediately.

>From there I've been trying to figure out a way to get the browser's
location bar to actually follow the POST to the egold site, what
I'm trying to do it this:

-  user is on our site checkout page

- we have our default payment method which links to our transaction
processors external site.

- then underneath I put an "alternate payment methods" module, where
I want to be able to give the user the choices between paypal and
egold, this is a form submit, but because of the choice it has to
execute a script on our side (so we can decide whether to send the
user to paypal, egold, or any other place)

That's where my "gotcha" exists. I have all the form data, I just
want to get the user to the sci_asp side without *another* intervening
step (where basically all they would do is have to hit another
"submit" button)

I can get around all this if I restructure the way we have the
alternate payment methods interface I guess. But I'm stubborn,
I don't want to :)

Oh well.


On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Rick van Rein wrote:

> Hello Mark Jeftovic,
> What you are trying to do has a bad smell -- although it may just be a
> technical idea that seems so exciting that you are overlooking the security
> issues involved.


mark jeftovic

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Safe web surfing tip: Get in the habit of checking the SSL key/padlock icon in your 
browser and address/location bar *before* submitting sensitive information like your 
e-gold passphrase.

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