> That's where my "gotcha" exists. I have all the form data, I just
> want to get the user to the sci_asp side without *another* intervening
> step (where basically all they would do is have to hit another
> "submit" button)

Hi Mark,

If you have all the form data at this point (i.e. all the data entry was done on a 
previous page) then on the "checkout" page you can just emit three different 
<form></form> blocks, each of which contains its own copy of all the relevant form 
data in hidden fields formatted for that particular payment system. The action= for 
each form is set to the appropriate offsite page for each payment method.

If the user is still entering form data on what you would like to be the "final" 
checkout page, then you will have to post that data to a page on your site along with 
the user's payment choice to validate the entries.  On that page, if the form data is 
found to have an error then redisplay the form.  If the data is OK then emit a form 
appropriate to the payment system selected and also emit a javascript block containing 
document.formname.submit() to auto-submit the form.  This redirection page will be 
invisible to clients with javascript, others will have to "Click to continue" so make 
sure you also draw a button or image for manual continue.

You could use a true http redirect instead of the javascript trick but the downside to 
that is that you must propagate your parameters in a querystring.  The querystring 
length is limited in some browsers so if you had a lot of baggage data or a lengthy 
suggested memo, etc. you might not fit everything.  This method also might tempt 
clients to tamper with the fields being submitted to e-gold since they are then 
visible on the URL line.  Note that any tampering can be detected by you in the 
payment notification you receive, but a botched up order by a "curious" customer is 
still a pain worth avoiding. (Don't skip out on implementing a backchannel 
notification page and do not fail to authenticate the message using the V2 hash!).



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Safe web surfing tip: Get in the habit of checking the SSL key/padlock icon in your 
browser and address/location bar *before* submitting sensitive information like your 
e-gold passphrase.

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