On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Stolpe, Oliver
<oliver.sto...@charite.de> wrote:
> Ok, can I somehow execute commands before it tries to do the fetching step? 
> What is about the 'skipsteps' parameter for the config file? I can't get from 
> the manual what values it accepts. Can I trick it by putting empty files in 
> the sources or will it try to unpack them?

The skipsteps works exactly as you expect. It accepts: fetch, ready,
source, patch, prepare, configure, build, test, install, extensions,
package, postproc, sanitycheck, cleanup, module, testcases.

But I don't understand what the problem is? Download the freebayes
sources with the git checkout, tar/zip it and let EB use that file?

If you put empty files, EB will try to use them (aka unpack).


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