
I'm not sure wether it should be part of the toolchain but to me "base
tools/libs" should somehow be standardized on. I'm thinking along the lines
of xz, bzip and such (I'm more along the lines of: Provide an environment
as complete as possible for the users). Most of the time these tools are
not technically required but I found that a lot of users expect the tools
to simply be available and in a working state.

If that opens a a completely different can of worms please feel free to
delay this topic until foss/2015b is done and another solution can be


On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 10:26 AM Kenneth Hoste <kenneth.ho...@ugent.be>

> Hi Christopher,
> On 19/06/15 01:20, Christopher Samuel wrote:
> > On 17/06/15 20:50, Kenneth Hoste wrote:
> >
> >>      OpenMPI v1.8.5 (note: with 1.8.6 likely  to be released very soon,
> >> this may get bumped before the definition is cast into stone)
> > 1.8.6 came out the night before last. :-)
> >
> Yes, I noticed too, I've already bumped OpenMPI to 1.8.6 in the
> gompi/2015b and foss/2015b PRs.
> I also bumped hwloc (a dep for OpenMPI) to 1.11.0.
> regards,
> Kenneth
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