Hi Maik,

On 13/10/16 10:43, Maik Schmidt wrote:
Hi all,

I've installed Python-3.5.1-intel-2016a.eb (with --try-toolchain="intel,2016.03-GCC-5.3" but that shouldn't be relevant to the problem) and am now trying to install matplotlib-1.5.1-intel-2016a-Python-3.5.1.eb, but it always fails on installing the extension matplotlib.

== 2016-10-13 10:31:49,338 build_log.py:163 ERROR cmd " /sw/taurus/eb/Python/3.5.1-intel-2016.03-GCC-5.3/bin/python setup.py build " exited with exitcode 1 and output: ...

From the log I can see that an import exception is raised:

ImportError: No module named 'numpy._build_utils'

I have attached the full log.

Is this normal? Why does it try to access numpy._build_utils anways? Isn't this just some internal module of the numpy installer and shouldn't even be used by other modules? Any advice on how to get rid of this problem would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

This looks relevant: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/6551 .

It seems to suggest that the numpy version you have included in your Python 3.5.1 installation is too new for matplotlib 1.5.1?

Maybe try with matplotlib 1.5.2, if that's an option?



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