Dear Kenneth,

Thanks a lot for the answer. Since CentOS 7 is a very popular HPC cluster OS, it would be great to obtain an authoritative RPM package for Lmod as required by EasyBuild. It's very unfortunate that EPEL hasn't updated the Lmod RPM in 2 years. Your .spec file for Lmod 6.6 seems to me not to be very much plug-and-play :-(

If no-one can provide an Lmod 6.6.3 RPM for CentOS 7, then it would save us a lot of trouble if EB could still use Lmod 6.5.1 until a newer RPM becomes available.

Thanks a lot,

On 26-09-2018 11:38, Kenneth Hoste wrote:
Dear Ole,

We build our own Lmod RPMs so we can stay on top of recent developments.

You can find our .spec file in

If you go back in history a bit, you should be able to find a .spec file for Lmod 6.x.

Of course, you'll need to customize this w.r.t. Lmod configuration & such.

I should also mention that the Lmod 6.6.3 requirement may be a bit more than is strictly required... In theory a slightly older Lmod 6.x should be fine too, but I kept running into problems left & right when testing on top of older Lmod 6.x versions, so I figured going with the latest 6.x was a reasonable compromise (I didn't want to force people to switch to Lmod 7).

If that's a big problem, I can try and reconsider that version requirement to loosen it up a bit (as long as all the tests pass, that it), and issue a quick EasyBuild 3.7.1.

On the other hand, this is good motivation to update your Lmod installation, there have been *a lot* of improvements to Lmod since version 6.5.1 (which was released Aug 2016...).



On 26/09/2018 11:25, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
Regarding upgrading to EB 3.7.0:

On 25-09-2018 15:09, Kenneth Hoste wrote:
Note that the minimal version requirement for Lmod has been bumped to 6.6.3.

We use CentOS 7 and the 2 years old Lmod RPM package provided by the EPEL repository: Lmod-6.5.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm

Can anyone suggest the best way to get or build an RPM package of a recent version of Lmod [1] that works well on CentOS 7?



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