On 05/12/2018 16:59, Alan O'Cais wrote:
So do you mean it should be
patches = [('three-1.2.3_enhanced.patch', '../three-something')]
so that it goes up one directory first and then down into the other source?

Yes, I should have mention that too: by default, the first source file determines the "start directory", so using ".." may be useful/needed.

On Wed, 5 Dec 2018 at 16:49, Kenneth Hoste <kenneth.ho...@ugent.be <mailto:kenneth.ho...@ugent.be>> wrote:

    Dear Wolfram,

    The patches are not applied to a particular source (so using empty
    entries in 'patches' doesn't make sense), but are simply applied in the
    build directory which contains all unpacked sources.

    To control where the patch is applied, you can specify a location
    (directory) in which the patch should be applied, as follows:

    patches = [('three-1.2.3_enhanced.patch', 'this/is/a/subdir')]

    Does this help?



    On 05/12/2018 16:14, Wolfram Zieger wrote:
     > Hello,
     > Within my eb script (dummy toolchain) I have four sources where a
    certain install order is necessary.
     > It installs fine.
     > But: If I apply a patch meant for source No. 3, the patch gets
    applied to source No. 1 which fails (see relevant log entries at the
     > What can I do to make sure the patch is applied to the third
    source instead of the first source?
     > ---------[part of eb
     > source_urls = [
     >      'https://somethingsomething.com/one/',
     >      'https://somethingsomething.com/two/',
     >      'https://somethingsomething.com/three/',
     >      'https://somethingsomething.com/four/',
     > ]
     > sources = [
     >      'one-install.tar.gz',
     >      'two-setup.tar.gz',
     >      'three-something.tar.gz',
     >      'four-goodone.tar.gz',
     > ]
     > patches = [
     >      'three-1.2.3_enhanced.patch',
     > ]
     > By the way - using empty '' values for the patches list is not
     > Should I use dummy patches for the first two?
     > BTW - Here is the relevant part of the log:
     > Can't determine patch level for patch
    /my/ebscripts/three-1.2.3_enhanced.patch from directory
>  /my/modulebuildingroot/build/somethingsomething/1.2.3/dummy-dummy-myversionssuffix/one-install-1.2.3
     >   (at
    in apply_patch)
     > Yeah, it's EasyBUild 3.5.3, but I do not think it's a bug, I
    think, it's either my syntax or it doesn't work this way at all.
     > Of course, it complains about "patch level", but
     >     patches = [
     >         ('three-1.2.3_enhanced.patch', 1),
     >     ]
     > (reduced patch depth) even more clearly shows, that it cannot
    find the file to patch in software source 1 instead of 3.
     > Best regards,
     > Wolfram

Dr. Alan O'Cais
E-CAM Software Manager
Juelich Supercomputing Centre
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich, Germany

Phone: +49 2461 61 5213
Fax: +49 2461 61 6656
E-mail: a.oc...@fz-juelich.de <mailto:a.oc...@fz-juelich.de>
WWW: http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/EN

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
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