
I just tried to do

  eb R-bundle-Bioconductor-3.7-foss-2018b-R-3.5.1.eb --robot

This failed on the last of 134 packages with 

  ERROR: dependency ‘shinythemes’ is not available for package ‘GSVA’

The package 'shinythemes' is one which should be installed by


but as it turns out, of the 668 packages which should be installed, only
648 in fact are.

If some of the packages had failed to install, I would have expected the
whole thing to fail and the module file not to be generated, but in fact
it was.

Am I missing something here?  How could I debug the issue?



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de

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