silly question maybe, but I'm really stuck here:

Building an .eb recipe for a PyPi package called "cellxgene" (which by the way 
isn't a good idea at all, because dependency versions hell of this pypi-package 
- but that's another thing).
Looking a t the documentation, there seems nothing, this Python package 
provides to "import", as it is a standalone Python program (as I understand it).

So "import cellxgene" fails (which happens during easybuilding at the end of a 
huge dependency chain) and there is no other modulename I could provide.

Now I can build this either as easyblock = 'PythonPackage' (with 
exts_defaultclass = 'PythonPackage') or as easyblock = 'PythonBundle' - but 
because the final sanity check will either way be "import cellxgene" it only 
works with "skipsteps = ['sanitycheck']" which I really really dislike 
(providing "sanity_check_commands" does not override the "import" test).

Question: Is there a way to only skip the "import test" for that final 
PythonPackage only  (after all other dependencies do complete with that check), 
or give it a dummy modulename or something like that? So I can keep a 
sanity-check in?

Or shouldn't I use "PythonPackage" at all for a standalone Python program even 
when available from PyPi?

Thanks and best regards from Berlin,

Wolfram Zieger
Senior Systems Engineer
IT Services Berlin
Phone:      +49 30 2007 697 -12
alt. Phone: +49 160 58 28 208 
Fax:        +49 30 2007 697 -11
science+computing ag/ATOS
Geschäftsstelle Berlin
Am Studio 16
12489 Berlin, Germany
science + computing
an  A T O S company

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