Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll:
I am considering including http.lisp in the contributed sources, packaging it differently, but adding the original license. This would allow the test suite to 1) download quicklisp, sandbox it and test a set of libraries, 2) download the ansi test suite and run it and 3) download additional sets of software (Maxima, fricas, etc). In 2) and 3) I might have to set up a mirror for the repositories making nightly tarballs, but I believe it is doable.
Alternative way might be to have jsut quicklisp installed on your build servers (meaning just a quicklisp.lisp file at some predefined location).
When you need to download fresh quicklisp, there is (i assume) some function like quickisp:update-client or quicklisp:update-distro.
And package ansi test suite, maxima and others as quicklips packages?
I am interesting to know what you see under the term sandboxing quicklisp. To make sure no other libraries/version than from the specified quicklisp distor are visible to .asdf? How are you planing to acheave this?
Best regards,
- Anton
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