
Does ECL ever fork itself?

I am asking because when running cl-test-grid tests
we are observing ECL hanging during cl-6502 testsuite.

According to the logs, test-grid-agent kills the ECL process,
but nevertheless we sometimes find an ECL process remaining in the system.

I have tested the process kill functionality on the system
where the problem happens, and process killing works.

During further investigation I monitored system processes
while runnign cl-6502 suite, and once saw two ECL processes,
with equal command lines. And one of the process was a child of
the another.

>From this I came to an assumption that when cl-test-grid-agent
starts ECL to run the testsuite, ECL forks itself and the child process
hangs. Then test-grid-agent kills the ECL parent process, but the
child remains in the system.

Can it be true?

Best regards,
- Anton

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