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Greetings from NWSA! (National Women's Studies Association)

Jackie Zita has asked me to announce over the SWIP-L that MATRICES is back.
In case you don't know it from its previous incarnation, it is: "An internation
al newsletter of lesbian-feminists with a focus on the following:
*lesbian research in journals
*book reviews
*calls for papers
*lesbian journal abstracts
*conference announcements
*reports from lesbian research centers
*current bibliographies
*movement and community events
*submissions of artwork

You can subscribe by writing to Matrices, Center for Advanced Feminist Studies,
 496 Ford Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Rates are for a one-year subscription (2 issues) are
$8.00 U.S.
$12.00 International
$14.00 Institutions
$4.50 for a single issue.

Linda Lopez McAlister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Department of Women's Studies
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-5531

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