Hate to say it, guys,

but this debate has taken on all the characteristics of an undergraduate
philosophy course, in which "scoring a point" and "proving" that others are
being illogical is the boring game at hand.  

I personally agree with Unleesh that factory farming is an absolute
abomination.  I agree with Joe's statements that using "Hitler" in any
discussion is a straw-man technique that is designed to de-center the

HOWEVER, this immature male posturing about philosophy is downright deplorable
to me (and to many here, I suspect).  Joe, you are paranoid.  You also accused
Angela of being an "agent provacateur," and, because you were a more
sophisticated raconteur than her, led her into making all kinds of defensive
statements.  Now, you are using the same technique on Unleesh. I don't know
why, but it seems obvious to everyone except perhaps you that your rhetoric
can be very counter-communicative and, when it is so,  doesn't achieve

We can't work together as ecofeminists if we don't have compassion for each of
our paths; for the way we each work.  I'm speaking of some respect for
consciousness biodiversity.  Joe, you have a wonderful brain, and we all
appreciate your intelligence.  I wish I could free you from the need to prove
it constantly, but I can't.  That is you.

I'm sorry, but I've just about had enough of this.  Logic helped get us into
this mess.  We are all smart, well-educated people, and all our opinions
should be acknowledged as contributing to a part of the whole.  We are aiming
for a process that can help, in an ecofeminist way, heal some of the results
of dualistic thinking.  Joe, you "dualize" with everyone.  I am here to say
more openness, more abundance, more respect, more affirmation, more
enlightenment, to the extent we all can process it.  I don't want to be in
Philosophy 101 anymore; been there, done that, bought the t-shirt!

Love, Jane

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