FYI. Stefanie Rixecker ECOFEM Coordinator
------- Forwarded message follows ------- Date sent: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:31:32 -0700 From: Judith L Poxon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: looking for: biologist/geneticist/physicist AND specialist for systems design: a) scientific assistance, b) trainee/volunteer - project in gender studies/ feminist. studien, focus in biomed and informatics To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to: Society for Women in Philosophy Information and Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---- From: Margarete Maurer, Dr., M.A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Urgent Call: For the research project "innovations and transformations - perspectives of transdisciplinary gender studies" ( abstract see below) the RLI is looking for: two trainees and two graduates/postgraduates from the following areas: - Biology/genetics/biochemistry/medicine (preferrably with special knowledge, "scientific" as well as in respect to societal discussions, in one or more of the fields: genetic diagnosis, hormonal treatments, fertility regulation) - Computer Sciences (preferrably with special knowledge, "scientific" as well as in respect to societal discussions, in the field of software design, user-orientated methods, systems design, systems analysis, programming languages) Further we would also persons, who are interested in this fields, but not an expert herselves, for the following functions: Moderation of workshops, translations German-English or vice versa, and administration, perhaps also somone for web- and computer-service. Prior conditions: - Speaking English and German (active and passive) - Ability to communicate about the own field of expertise with experts from other fields AND with laymen/laywomen, including ability to listen to their talk - good knowledge of feminist sciense & technology studies in her field (only for trainees/volunteers and scientific co-workers) - high capacity to work in a team, social skills, conflict solving abilities - preferrably flexible in timetables due to the necessities of the project In applying a contract as a trainee/volunteer and/or a scientific co-workers the following factors can be evaluated as an advantage: - Second exam in another discipline and/or experience in trans- and interdisciplinary activities. - Knowledge / experience in / with technology assessment, critique of science, participatory / user- or client-orientated methods - Experiences in cooperation with non-academics, - Experiences in scientific and/or developmental projects - Internet-skills (recherche, e-mailing, up-loadings to website) Working conditions: Two international workshops will be done in English, two ad-hoc-workshops in German; contract as fee lancer with a total of working time that would average to eight months Monaten á 15 - 30 hours weekly. Personal presence in Vienna is necessary at least for several phases, especially during and around workshops, a permanent residence in Vienna is NOT a condition. The project is limited to a fixed time and stays in the phase of its beginning. Adresse for applications and further informations: Mag. Dr. Margarete Maurer RLI, Rosa-Luxemburg-Institut Project "Innovations & Transformations" Wissenschaftliche Leitung Post Box 12, A-1090 Wien Tel. / Fax: +43/1/31 74 929 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: ************************************ Ref: Program: Perspectives of Transdisciplinary Gender Research (funded by the Austrian Ministery of Education & Science, Vienna, Austria) B.1. General description of the project proposed - abstract B.1.1 Title of the project: Gender Research as innovative ressource for a sustainable and socially fair and just development of information and knowledge-societies Short title: "Innovations und Transformations" B.1.2 Fields of thematic subjects The main topic of this project is to find out the position and to evaluate contemporary Gender Research in the context of the scientifically and technically determined transformations within the information and knowledge society in Austria (keyword: new technologies). Methodologically there will be used the method of comparative investigations of selected European regions and countries, whereby highly qualified experts and partners will be included for cooperation. The acceptability and the status of programs in Gender Research will also be analyzed with respect to its multidimensional connections to the existence and progress of gender equality policies in the particular countries or regions. Crucial points: *Investigation and discussion of the new technologies connected to the biological revolution within the fields of genetics and microbiology including reproductive medical technologies and their implications for health and a high quality of life. *Investigation of the social transformations resulting from the implementation and diffusion of the new technologies of communication and information (NTCI). *Based on the first two topics the innovative capacity of the Gender Research for the future development of knowledge and the use of the new technologies will be investigated. B.1.3 Content and aims - Inhalt und Ziele The aim of this project is to provide the Austrian Ministry of science and research with fundamental facts and justified reasonable perspectives for future science & research policies in the Special Research Program "Gender Studies". The focus is on the discussion of innovations and transformations which are knowledge- and technology-based, especially on the new technologies. Grounded on this aim the following questions are to be raised (not yet answered), with the intention to identify interesting future research questions and needs from a feminist perspective: What theoretical approaches, concepts, and methods are highly promising from the perspective of Gender Studies in order to get an reliable analysis of the new kinds of transformations in society? Will it be possible to transfer the experiences with participatory methods of software development into other areas , e.g. into the area of medical technologies, or not? Or how - by which changes and adaptations? Will it be possible to adapt, and to use methodologies of technology assessment in feminist assessments and gender research regarding technological and scientific innovations? What is the connection between the up to now - at least in German speaking countries - two mutually exclusive fields of sociology of technology/technology assessment and Gender Studies, and could these two still opposite fields of research in the German speaking countries be correlated in particular ways, perhaps even combined in a productive manner? Further questions are: - Which approaches and aims of Gender Research reveal concrete options of improvement in the sense of gender equality policies with a long term or sustainable perspectives within the future development of science, technology, and society? How can the relevant social problems and research questions of future societietal developments in Europe be identified? (Here, sustainable or long term perspectives include ecological, social, and economical aspects.). - In the case that Gender Research is regarded as innovative not just only for the analysis of the scientific-technically development of societies but also for the future development and structure of societies, how can this innovative capacity be supported? - What is the level of Austrian research with respect to the international level of Gender Research in these areas, and how can Austrian programs in Gender Research become manifest and improved, in such a way that it does enter a long-term improvement - seen from a feminist perspective - of societies ? - In the sense mentioned above there will be developed research perspectives for future European societies, and especially for the future society in Austria, at a very high level. These perspectives could serve as guideline for future public research programs in Gender Research and Gender Studies. B.1.4 Prospective value of the outcome -The prospective value of the outcome of this project is to provide Austrian politics of science and research with the chance to get straight ahead - nationally and internationally - with a highly qualified research in Gender Research to top level science and research in that field. ************************************* Mag. Dr. M. Maurer RLI, Project "Innovations & Transformations" E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************************************ </x-rich> ------- End of forwarded message ------- ************************************ Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Director Environment, Society and Design Division Lincoln University, Canterbury PO Box 84 Aotearoa New Zealand E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 03-325-2811, x8643 ************************************