Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date sent:              Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:37:23 -0700
From:                   Judith L Poxon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Feminist Theory
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:          Society for Women in Philosophy Information and Discussion List


                                 Call for Papers

                                 Feminist Theory

                                 Special Issue:
                         Feminist Theory and/of Science

      Guest Editor: Susan M. Squier

      Articles are invited that consider the relations between feminist
      theory and science, as well as feminist theories of science.  Essays
      may vary in subject area and methodology.  Literary, historical,
      and/or visual and cultural studies approaches, sociological and
      anthropological approaches, as well as perspectives from the
      scientific disciplines, are encouraged.  Possible subjects of
      exploration include: feminist theory and the biological body and
      brain; the limits of materiality; the limits of social construction;
      feminist theories of information and communication technology (ICT);
      is there a feminist science? Is there a scientific feminism?
      Discourses of science and feminist theory; feminist science studies
      or queer science studies: what are the differences? What is the role
      of literature in feminist theory / in feminist science studies? How
      does feminist theory respond to the risk society? How does feminism
      understand the categories of gender, race, class, disability, and/or
      species as they are constituted and/ or deployed in scientific
      practice? Is a 'non-modern' feminist science studies possible?  What
      are the essential texts for feminist theory of science?  What
      practices characterize feminist science studies or the feminist
      theory of science?

      Feminist Theory is a peer-reviewed journal and all articles will be
      subject to the usual refereeing process. Six copies should be
      submitted. Author's names and biographical notes should appear only
      on a cover sheet, and all identifiers in the text should be masked so
      that manuscripts can be reviewed anonymously.  Each article should be
      accompanied by an abstract and keywords and a brief biographical
      note. Articles should be typed double spaced, with references in the
      Harvard Style and substantive footnotes at the end of the article.
      Manuscript length should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words.

      Detailed notes for contributors are available on request from the
      Feminist Theory office: email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Other
      inquiries should be directed to the issue editor by e-mail, at

      This special issue will review only unpublished manuscripts that are
      not simultaneously under review for publication elsewhere.

      Deadline for submissions: December 15, 2003.

      Manuscripts should be clearly marked 'Special Issue' and sent either
      to Feminist Theory, Centre for Women's Studies, University of York,
      Heslington, York YO10 5DD or, in the case of North American authors,
      to Susan Squier, PO Box 557, 211 Miller Lane, Boalsburg, PA 16827,
      Susan Squier is Brill Professor of Women's Studies and English at the
      Pennsylvania State University, where she is a member of the Science,
      Medicine, Technology and Culture group and the Disability Studies
      group of the Rock Ethics Institute.  She has served as President of
      the Society for Literature and Science, and is currently on its
      Executive Board. Among her publications are: Babies in Bottles:
      Twentieth-Century Visions of Reproductive Technology, Playing Dolly:
      Technocultural Formations, Fantasies and Fictions of Assisted
      Reproduction (edited with E. Ann Kaplan), Arms and the Woman: War,
      Gender, and Literary Representation (co-edited with Helen Cooper and
      Adrienne Munich). Her edited collection, Communities of the Air:
      Radio Century, Radio Culture, is forthcoming in 2003 from Duke
      University Press.  In summer 2002, she co-directed (with Anne
      Hunsaker Hawkins) the National Endowment for the Humanities summer
      institute on "Literature, Medicine and Culture" at Penn State
      University Hershey Medical Center.

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Director
Environment, Society and Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Ph: 03-325-2811, x8643

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