Not that I claim to speak for all subscribers and subscriberesses, but
methinks you are verging on appearing to be a spammer or a spammeress.


----- Original Message -----
From: "CandP Peoples" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 25 June 2003 00:52
Subject: Hillary's (and others) Valley of the Pols

Why did she call her book "Living HIStory?"  Is it because HERstory -- the
true representation of American women in large enought numbers to affect and
protect their country and world has not yet been a topic of focus for

According to this site, like the heroine of Jackie Susann's novels, Hillary
Clinton's plight and role has thus far really been quite sad.  It seems that
she and the male-dominated media are all to willing to focus on her to use
and isolateher and ignore other women - both in the US, like Carol Mosely
Braun, and outside the US, like the far more successful than US-women women
Presidents and Prime Ministers of Scandinavia and Europe, like those of
Wales, Scotland, Germany as well as Costa Rica's Vice-President, India's
Congress Party Leader Sonia Gandhi, and Parite Authoress Sylviane Agacinski
of France. ...

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