Aquatic Ecology & Fisheries Management Research Experience for Undergraduates 
Position Start Date: 05/19/2025
Position End Date: 07/25/2025
Application Close Date: 01/20/2025
Stipend: $6,000

The Aquatic Ecology & Fisheries Management Research Experience for 
Undergraduates (REU) program seeks to expand interest in and enhance access to 
the fields of aquatic ecology and fisheries management.
Participants in this REU will work with a mentor on a research question related 
to an ongoing project, collect and analyze data, and communicate the results. 
We expect research topics to range from zooplankton ecology to impacts of 
management decisions on fish behavior and growth to impacts of human-driven 
environmental change on fish populations and food webs. Check out the 
accomplishments of previous<> 
( to get an idea of projects.
Participants will also participate in professional development sessions, which 
will provide a robust view of careers in aquatic and fisheries science, as well 
as guidance on how to become more confident and qualified when applying for 
graduate school and jobs in this field.

Qualifications (Eligibility):
Current undergraduates residing in the U.S. enrolled at a U.S. institution who 
will have completed 1+ year of college credit by June 2025; open to spring 2025 
graduates. Applicants must have also completed at least one college-level 
course in ecology, natural resources management, environmental sciences, or a 
related discipline. Selected participants must be able to live in their study 
location for the duration of the program, May 19 through July 25.
Applicants do not need extensive experience in research or aquatic science to 
apply for and receive a spot in the program. We seek to enhance access to 
opportunities to conduct research in aquatic ecology or fisheries science for 
students from backgrounds that may have historically lacked connections to 
these fields.

Complete the Qualtrics survey linked below. We recommend that you review the 
application essay questions and prepare answers before starting the application 
so that you can more easily complete the essays by simply pasting your answers 
into the answer fields. Find the essay questions below as well as in a 
downloadable format 
 If you have any issues while completing your application, contact Jenny 
Pfaff<> (<>) for 
help - your application review will not be impacted by any questions or issues 
in the application process. The 2025 application is now open and will close on 
January 20, 2025.

[The Ohio State University]
Stuart A. Ludsin (he, him, his)
Professor, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Director, Fish Management in Ohio Partnership (with Ohio Division of Wildlife)
Co-Director, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory

Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, 222 Research Center, 1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, 
OH 43212
College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal 
614-795-7044 Mobile / 614-292-1613 Office / 614-292-0181 Fax<> Email /<> & Web

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