Its not time to focus on causes, we have strong correlative support for =
at least one anthropogenic cause, and I do not believe we have any =
statistical support for any other causes (including changes in the =
earth's orbit, sunspots, natural fluctuations, increased volcanic =
actions, aliens, etc).  Lets face it.  We know through laboratory =
experimentation that increased greenhouse gas concentrations result in =
raised temperatures.  Furthermore, we have observational evidence that =
the temperature differences among earth, venus and mars are better =
explained by their greenhouse gas levels than by their distance from the =
sun.  Finally, we have the observations that greenhouse gases have and =
are increasing in direct proportion to increases in global temperature =
trends. =20
Saying this isn't proof is kin to swallowing a bottle of hallucinagens, =
having hallucinations, and then saying "it wasn't the pills, it was a =
spiritual experience." =20
Arguing the causes or the presence of a problem are both past us and the =
time to start doing somethign about it was back about 20 years ago when =
the first data started rolling in.  Time to get off our backsides!
A New Journal Published in Partnership with Partners in Amphibian and =
Reptile Conservation
and the World Congress of Herpetology.
Malcolm L. McCallum
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas A&M University Texarkana
2600 Robison Rd.
Texarkana, TX 75501
O: 1-903-223-3134
H: 1-903-791-3843


From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news on behalf of =
Sent: Thu 6/29/2006 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: Wall Street Journal op-ed on "An Inconvenient Truth"

Dear Paul,
I appreciate your optimism, but I fear it is misplaced.  No where in our =
past records of atmospheric chemistry do we have an atmosphere like we =
have now.  The concentrations of CH4, CO2, NOx and CFC are higher than =
ever found before, indeed CFCs have never been in the atmosphere =
previously.  It is time to focus on causes and not symptoms.

Dr. Linda Wallace
Director, Kessler Farm Field Lab
Professor of Botany
Dept. of Botany/Microbiology
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Phone 405 325 6685
Fax 405 325 7619

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Cherubini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 6:45 pm
Subject: Re: Wall Street Journal op-ed on "An Inconvenient Truth"

> My point, like Lintzen's, is that another 30+ year period of
> stable or
> declining global temperatures, like we experienced between 1939-1972,
> might be just around the corner.
> I don't see anything on the UCS website that explains why
> it's inconceivable that a decades long period of stable or
> declining global temperatures might be just around the corner.
> Paul Cherubini
> El Dorado, Calif.

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