Dear All,

I recently reviewed a manuscript that plagiarized from at least two 
of my papers.  Based on my findings, the editor quickly rejected the 
manuscript and discouraged the authors from submitting it 
elsewhere.   After sharing the experience with my colleagues, I was 
surprised at the disparity in their reactions.  Some were disgusted 
by the plagiarism (as I was), while others would have been flattered 
if their text had been copied.   Although I am happy to know that the 
manuscript was rejected, I am not totally convinced that the 
punishment (i.e., rejected manuscript) fit the crime given that the 
manuscript may have been rejected anyway - regardless of the plagiarism.

My questions to the group have to do with how you feel about 
plagiarism and plagiarists.

(1) Is this a common phenomenon?
(2) How should plagiarists be handled?

Thanks for your feedback.


Alan E. Wilson
CILER - University of Michigan
2205 Commonwealth Blvd.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
office: 734-741-2293; cell: 770-722-9075; fax: 509-356-5349

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