Malcom writes:

> Recently, I received an article on "how carbon dioxide does not contribute
> to climate change."  The article is clearly misinformation and was
> published in a journal called "The Journal of American Physicians and
> Surgeons ("  Most of the article is a fake article
> that was circulated back in the 1990's.

The authors of this article are associated with the Oregon Institute of Science
and Medicine, which has a long history of right-wing scams. The OISM is also
intimately associated with the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons,
a similar right-wing organization located in Tucson that published the article.

For more information on the OISM, see:

An increasing tactic is for large-scale commercial organizations to fund
marginal scientists, who increasingly establish their own institutes and now
publish in their own journals. This tack allows the lobbyists of the funding
commercial interests some level of plausible deniability while showing
congressmen "authoritative" research articles, which are then often read into
the congressional record by congressmen who are often bought and paid for by the
same commercial organizations.

The fact that these pseudojournals have no standing, are not subscribed to by
standard libraries and are not indexed in any of the standard citation indexes
is irrelevant to their primary purpose.

Another similar journal is "Energy & Environment." At last count, it was
subscribed to by only 26 libraries and not monitored by any of the standard
citation indices. Nonetheless, papers appearing in the journal have been read
into the Congressional Record several times now. For a general overview of their
tactics, see:

Wirt Atmar

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