Following up on the postings that led to this, in some sense it is logical that the people who are studying the effects of humans on the environment should stop what they are doing and sit at home reading books only by daytime sunlight and writing research papers on manual typewriters, while the oilmen drive around in SUVs and fly jets everywhere. Twisted logic, but still logic.

This reminds me of the argument that those who feel that overpopulation is a problem should stop having children, and leave the rest of the world to breed as much as they want. Darwin can tell us what that would lead to!

I think it is clear that Clara and Steve and the rest of us should use the natural resources needed to do our jobs effectively. Sure, let's not be wasteful, but environmental perfection is not part of our jobs. It helps to set a good example, but driving around in VW busses and giving up on modern safety equipment won't accomplish very much. Lobbying for political action, among other things, is far more likely to prove effective.

Bill Silvert

----- Original Message ----- From: "Cara Lin Bridgman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] SUVs for Ecologists, was McDonough - I don't think so

... it does seem a double-standard to have ecologists driving 4WD off-road SUVs to the office. So, my next question is: do I have to reject field work because it requires access to (or ownership of) a field-worthy vehicle? In many places, especially in the US, if I've not got wheels, I cannot get to the study site.

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