Dear Colleagues

We would like to invite you to contribute to an upcoming special issue of
Environmental Research Letters entitled: Delivering on conservation
promises: risks and impacts of investments, edited by Dr Vanessa Adams
(Charles Darwin University), Dr Edward Game (The Nature Conservancy) and Dr
Michael Bode (University of Melbourne).

Policy makers and conservation funders have heightened the discourse on the
accountability of conservation decisions and investments.  Understanding the
financial realities of conservation has resulted in two prominent issues in
the conservation literature: understanding how to manage the risks
associated with our conservation investments and demonstrating that our
investments are making a difference through evidence based conservation
(reporting on social, economic and ecological impacts).

This special journal issue will collate research and perspectives on these
two topics, to provide a single resource for conservation academics and
managers. The papers in this issue seek to draw on current thinking and case
studies to examine lessons for future conservation investments, including:
approaches to evidence-based assessment of conservation impact, methods
linking the expected outcome of conservation investments to available
financial resources, and methods for understanding and coherently managing
risks in conservation.

Submission will be accepted until 30 September 2012, please visit the
website below for full details on the scope, key questions to be addressed
by the issue and submission process.

Authors should also be aware of the publication costs ($1600, £1000 or Euro
1100) per article. Discounts are available, 25% off of the charge if you
sign up to, and 10% for each article you have
refereed for the journal in the last year.

If you believe you have may have a suitable article to contribute to the
issue, please contact the ERL Publisher, Guillaume Wright
( or the one of the Guest Editors above.

Best wishes,

Guillaume Wright
Environmental Research Letters

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