
I have used Rao's quadratic entropy to evaluate functional diversity between
a number of estuaries for which I also have a GIS database.  I would like to
be able to visualize which sites are more functionally similar across the
region to evaluate patterns in dispersal, etc.  

I know it is possible to use the pairwise functional beta diversity values
as a distance matrix in a Mantel test or multivariate regression on
distances matrices (MRM) when comparing functional diversity to, for
example, environmental data.  Would it also be appropriate to use these
values in a PAM or other clustering method to identify estuaries that are
more/less similar in functional diversity?

This is likely to sound like a very naive question, but I have done an
extensive literature search and have not found where this has been done
before  - perhaps because it is a bad idea for other reasons?

Any insights and/or references on this approach would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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