PhD position available investigating the role of terrestrial feedback mechanism 
in amplifying arctic surface temperatures during the Middle Pliocene (ArcAMP).

The Arctic is currently warming at an alarming rate; however, the various 
feedback mechanisms and how they co-operate to amplify Arctic temperatures 
still remain uncertain.  Important clues for solving some of these fundamental 
climate questions regarding Arctic amplification may be uncovered during the 
Pliocene (2.6 to 5.3 MYA).  Although atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the 
Pliocene were comparable to modern concentrations of ~ 400 ppm, Arctic 
temperatures were 10 to 20°C warmer than today.  This project will focus on the 
interaction among terrestrial feedback mechanisms and their role in amplifying 
Arctic surface temperatures.  In particular, we are interested in the net 
radiative impacts of vegetation albedo, atmospheric water vapor, and black 
carbon emitted from fire on the Arctic climate system.  This will be 
accomplished by conducting high-resolution reconstructions of past 
temperatures, atmospheric CO2, and fire for several high Arctic sites.  This is 
an NSF funded collaborative project between the Global Climate and Ecology Lab 
at the University of Montana 
( and the paleoclimate 
working group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research 
We are mainly looking for curious and creative applicants who are interested in 
biosphere-atmosphere interactions that regulate climate.  Research experience 
in paleoclimate and/or paleoecology is desired.  This position will allow for 
travel to remote locations in the Canadian Arctic to conduct fairly rigorous 
field work for extended periods of time.  The PhD student will work primarily 
at UM on reconstructions of Arctic ecology and climate, but will collaborate 
with researchers at NCAR to conduct a series of global climate model 
experiments.  This PhD student will also be expected to engage with the larger 
international Arctic climate research community.  The successful applicant will 
receive 4 years of financial support as a research assistant with the 
opportunity to supplement funding as a teaching assistant.

Interested applicants should send a CV and contact information of three 
references to Ashley Ballantyne 
Review of applications will begin immediately, and the position will remain 
open until an excellent candidate is found.

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