Hi ecologists,

We conduct regular surveys using pitfall traps for both reptiles and for
arthropods in sandy habitats.  We prefer to use dry traps (i.e. live traps)
for various reasons but we have an issue with ants attacking other species
that fall in the trap.
I am aware of chemicals such as Opigal that kill arthropods without harming
the reptiles. I would be glad to hear more about your experience with this
product in pitfall traps- is it really effective and does it not affect
other taxa other than arthropods?- is it a substance that can be used in
natural environments or it is a toxin that wont degrade etc etc?

I was also wondering if any one has any knowledge of substances/pitfall
designs that deter or kill ants without harming beetles and other insect

Thanks for your advice.


Tania Bird MSc
PhD Student: Long-term, multivariate analyses for coastal dune conservation
Dept. of Geography & Environmental Development,
Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva

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