Hello all,

I wanted to let you know about the courses we will be offering this academic 

Graduate Courses 2016-2017:

Field Ecology: Skills for Science and Beyond (4 weeks, 29 Dec 2016 - 24 Jan 
Deadline: October 10, 2017
Website link: http://bitly.com/FieldEcology

Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach (6 weeks, 22 May - 2 July 2017)
Deadline: February 3, 2017
Website link: http://bit.ly/TropBio

The above two courses are our hallmark field ecology courses that immerse 
graduate students in hypothesis-driven research learning. The 4-weekField 
Ecology in late December and January allows students to fit in the course while 
still attending fall and spring terms at their home campus.  The 6-weekTropical 
Biology, scheduled this year during Summer Session 1, will provide more time 
during and after the course to hone research skills.  Both courses include a 
science communication workshop to share research through the production of 
podcasts and videos. Please take a moment to view a video about these courses 
(click here<https://youtu.be/WF2MBL31lag>).

Graduate Short Courses 2017:

Ecology and Evolution of Arachnids (2 weeks, 3 - 17 January 2017)
Deadline: October 10, 2017
Website link: bit.ly/arachid<http://bit.ly/arachid>

Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes (2 weeks, 6 - 22 January 2017)
Deadline: October 10, 2017
Website link: bit.ly/<http://bit.ly/2c5dzyk>2c5dzyk<http://bit.ly/2c5dzyk>

Biology of Neotropical Social Insects (2 weeks, 12 - 24 March 2017)
Deadline: November 15, 2017
Website link: http://bit.ly/soc_ins

Tropícal Butterfly Ecology (2 weeks, 28 May - 10 June 2017)
Deadline: March 1, 2017
Website link: bit.ly/Tbe2016<http://bit.ly/Tbe2016>

Ecology and Evolution of Coleoptera (Beetles) (3 weeks, 5 - 24 June 2017)
Deadline: March 1, 2017
Website link: bit.ly/eec<http://bit.ly/eec2017>2017<http://bit.ly/eec2017>


Andrés Santana, M.Sc.
Graduate Program Coordinator
Organization for Tropical Studies
San Pedro, Costa Rica. 676-2050
(506) 2524-0607 ext. 1511
Skype: andres.santana_otscro // twitter: 

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