The Dietze lab at Boston University is looking to recruit a number of grad 
students (PhD) for Fall 2017 working in a diverse range of systems to develop 
socially-useful ecological forecasts and address basic questions about the 
predictability of ecological systems.

* I will be co-advising a student with Shannon LaDeau (Cary Institute) looking 
at forecasting ticks, tick-borne disease, and small mammal population dynamics. 
Student’s affiliation would be Boston Univ. but there is an opportunity to work 
both in Boston and at Cary.

* I will be advising a student looking at forecasting plant phenology and land 
surface fluxes (carbon, water, energy)

This project offers RA support on a new NSF Macrosystems project.  Students 
will work together, and with students being advised by Co-PIs Jenny Talbot (BU, 
soil microbiome) and Kathleen Weathers (Cary Institute, GLEON, aquatic 
productivity and harmful algal blooms), to develop a common set of tools and 
compare analyses across these different systems. Analyses will focus on a 
regional to national scale using a combination of community data and early NEON 

* I will also be advising 1-2 students looking at leveraging a wide range of 
data about the terrestrial carbon cycle (field observations and experiments, 
monitoring networks, remote sensing, etc) to constrain global earth system 
models. This project offers RA support through existing NSF informatics 
projects, PEcAn ( <>) and Brown Dog 
( <>) as 
well as considerable flexibility to tackle a wide range of potential questions 
using cutting edge statistical and informatics tools.

More information is available on my lab webpage at 


Mike Dietze
Earth & Environment
Boston University <>

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